For my dearest blog fellows who are pregnant with baby boy, this is the time to think about circumcision. Especially for Asian people, circumcision is not widely practised as in Western countries.
Keep reading below and you will know how important is circumcision, BOTH for your boy and for his future wife.
Let's go back in history. If you happened to think that circumcision is unimportant as our ancestors back then never even have this procedures done, you are correct! But, only applicable for that period of ancient time, when our ancestors are still naked. In fact, the foreskin plays important role to protect the tip of penis from dust, sand, insects, and infections.
The above doesn't apply anymore in our time, where we are all wrapped in clothes, often dirty and sweaty. This has made it became unhygienic, especially for people who live in hot weather countries.
The reason why circumcision is important, because the inner lining of the foreskin is very thin. This does not give protection against injury and infection like normal skin does. In fact, 'smegma' or a whitish residue of dead cells and other material, is collected under the foreskin. This attracts bacteria and other microorganisms.
Statistically, uncircumcised men are more exposed to infectious diseases such as:
- Thrush
- Human papilloma virus
- Syphilis
- Urinary tract infections
- Other inflammatory conditions of the skin
- Phimosis, a narrowing of the opening the foreskin that prevents it being retracted and makes sex painful
- Higher chance of prostate cancer
Meanwhile, their female partners are more prone to:
- Genital herpes
- Chlamydia
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Infertility
- Higher chance of cervix cancer
There is a one-in-three chance of an uncircumcised man developing one or more of these conditions over his lifetime.
However, there are always risks involving with any surgical procedure. In one in 500 circumcisions there's some minor bleeding. In about 1 in 1000, the circumcision needs to be redone. It is noteworthy though, that complications are fewest when it's done between birth and 4 months, although the procedure can be done at any age. Serious complications that requires hospitalisation is very rare. Mutilation or loss of the penis, and death, are practically unheard of if the surgeon is competent.
All in all, the benefits of circumcision still outweigh the risks of the procedure.
And to mothers to baby boys, now you can make your informed decision on whether or not to circumcised your boy, or leave it to him to decide later in his life.
For reference:
• World Health Organization's website : http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2007/pr10/en/index.html
• Professor Brian Morris's website : www.circinfo.net
• The Royal Australasian College of Physicians policy statement on circumcision : http://www.racp.edu.au/
• Why circumcision is a biomedical imperative for the 21st century - BioEssays abstract : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez